The CSA program has recieved a lot of attention on our Facebook Page and on the blog these days. Want to know what exactly comes in those boxes people are picking up? Our blogger has shared her CSA box contents and what she’s done with them with us. Check it out:

The contents of a CSA box from Good Moon Farm

Good Moon Farm arugula with steak and caramelized shallots for a quick meal.

This week’s CSA box included arugula, spinach, lettuce, bok choy, cilantro, basil, local thyme, a lemon, passionfruit and some very sweet grapefruit from Dominica. As of Wednesday, my partner and I have made a fantastic steak arugula salad, some lemon panna cotta, a stir fry featuring the bok choy and a side salad with spinach for a fish dinner. On the menu tonight, spanikopita and a side salad to take care of the remaining spinach and a little of the lettuce.

A lemon from Good Moon Farm prepped to make panna cotta.

There is still more produce left! We have been snacking on the passionfruit and grapefruit. The basil is ready to be made into a pesto, the cilantro is waiting to become pico de gallo and there are still salad greens for lighting fast side dishes and lunches. All for $40.

We love getting produce that we don’t normally buy, so we can find ways to use them. I think we’ve increased our vegetable intake as well! It’s really nice to have fresh produce that can last when properly stored, too often the spinach from the stores go slimy.

This is exactly what community supported agriculture (CSA) is about! If you’re interested in getting a box this Saturday, please contact us via email (, phone (542-0586) or message us on Facebook.

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